Djpailo's Guide to Runescape

Chat Guide (RS1/ RS2)

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Written By Djpailo

(Last updated: 02 December 2006)
Talking in runescape, is similar to any other game, where you can speak. The different is, you can just immediately talk without having to press any buttons. Just type what you want to say, and click return or enter.

To write coloured text you will need to put these codes in before you type anything.

In rs1 only, to write coloured text you write:

Color How to Make
Random Flashing @ran@
Red @red@
Dark Red @dre@
Orange @ora@ -or- @lre@
Light Orange @or1@
Dark Orange @or2@
Red-Orange @or3@
Yellow @yel@
Yellow-Green @gr1@
Green @gre@ -or- @gr3@
Light Green @gr2@
Blue @blu@
Cyan @cya@
Magenta @mag@
Black @bla@
White @whi@

and then the text..

For rs2 only ...

Color & Effect Codes
Code Effect Other Combos
red: Red text »red:wave:
yellow: Yellow text »yellow:wave:
green: Green text »green:wave:
cyan: Bright Blue text »cyan:wave:
purple: Purple text »purple:wave:
white: White text »white:wave:
scroll: Text scrolls right to left. -
wave: Text waves up and down. -
flash1: Text cycles red to yellow quickly. »flash1:wave:
flash2: Text cycles blue to cyan quickly. »flash2:wave:
flash3: Text cycles green to light green quickly. »flash3:wave:
glow1: Text fades red to blue. »glow1:wave:
glow2: Text fades red to purple to blue. »glow2:wave:
glow3: Text fades white to green to blue. »glow3:wave:

Taken from here


This is a copyrighted Guide. If you wish to use this guide on your website, contact me at